Anna & Patrick | Engagement Session | South Carolina Mountains
How did you meet?
We met at work :D
How long have you known each other?
3 years this fall.
Tell us a little about yourselves as individuals: What is your careers/professions?
We both work in advertising right now. Patrick is a Strategy Director, and I am a Senior UI Designer.
Who said I love you first?
He did.
What did you do on your first date?
Well, our first sort-of date I didn't realize was a date, and that was to a Cat Café here in Greenville. Once I caught on that he wanted to take me on an actual DATE date, we got tacos at Cantina 76 and toured some art studios downtown.
Favorite thing you like to do together...
Either cuddle up and watch something on TV, or go for a drive.
Favorite physical attribute?
I love his beard :)
He would like to say my butt, but instead chose my smile :P
Do you have a first kiss story?
It was actually in a cemetery. Which sounds very gothic and strange, but we had actually gone over to get a better look at a ring around the moon that was happening that night. No lights in a cemetery, so it made for a lovely sky! He eventually went for it haha. We joked that we should've gotten engaged there too.
favorite character trait?
Patrick is very funny and also very smart. He also is pretty go-with-the-flow, which is nice.
Anna is very caring
Where do you see yourselves in 10 years?
Out in the country somewhere with some land, a house, maybe some kids and some animals.
Proposal story
He tricked me into thinking we were going up to Virginia (where he grew up) to visit a high school friend. Turns out he lied, haha! Instead, he took me out by the York River and proposed! I had my suspicions, but he had played it off so well that by that point I really didn't think that was what was happening.