Caroline + Cody | Engagement Session | Clemson University
We had the best time getting to know Caroline and Cody at their Engagement Session at Clemson University! It’s easy to see how much these two love each other! We can’t wait for their wedding in May! Keep scrolling for more of their story and to see our favorites from their session!
Tell us a little about yourselves as individuals: What is your careers/professions?
We are both nurses that work in emergency medicine. Cody is a flight nurse and I work in the Emergency Department.
How long have you known each other?
We started talking on Christmas of 2021. We hit it off and found out we have a lot in common. I was dying for him to ask me on a date. He asked me out the following January, and we went on our first date February 15, 2022.
What was life like before you met compared to now?
We had both had busy, slightly chaotic lives as single people. Now we share the chaos and I wouldn’t trade it for anything!
How did you meet? And what was your first impressions of each other?
He said that we were at a volleyball game together years ago but never talked. I don’t remember him from that. I would say that we met on our first date. He thought that I was shorter than he expected. I thought he was cute and also shorter than I expected.
When you first met, what attracted you most?
The fact that we were both nurses and shared common frustrations and interests.
Who said I love you first
He did. It was a beautiful, starry night and he hugged me and said “Well, I think I love you.”
What did you do on your first date?
We went to one of my favorite coffee shops and talked for a few hours. Then we came home to my house and dinner with my family. He was incredibly brave!
Favorite thing you like to do together...
We love to hike and love going to the lake.
Number one physical quality
Caroline— “He has amazing blue eyes.”
Cody— “She has a gorgeous face.”
Number one character trait
Caroline— “He is incredibly sweet and consistent.”
Cody— “She is very loyal.”
What has been the biggest challenge you've faced as a couple? And how did you overcome that challenge?
After several months of dating, I (Caroline) started feeling like I was being rushed and it turned into me doubting that I loved him anymore. We talked and cried about it and slowed things down. It didn’t take too long for me to realize that I did love him and that he was pretty incredible at caring for my emotions.
How has your fiancé changed you?
Caroline— “He has made me realize that it’s okay to say no when I have too much on my plate.”
Cody— “She has changed me to the point that I love her so much, I am willing to move away from my family and the only life that I’ve known.”
Where do you see yourselves in 10 years?
Living on a farm with a bunch of animals and a few children. We would also like to be doing some mission work overseas.
Proposal Story
He rushed me to the lake as the sun was setting. The sky was a perfect combination of pink, orange, and purple. I was turned around and he got on one knee behind me. When I turned around he said the sweetest most heartfelt words. Then he asked me to marry him. I said of course! My knees got weak I was so excited and happy! I just remember an overwhelming feeling of pure happiness!