Jason + Justina | Winter Engagement Portraits

Tell us a little about yourselves

Jason— Actor, Audio Producer

Justina— Account Manager for Walmart Corporate

How long have you known each other?

10 years

What was life like before you met compared to now?

Justina— “I feel like life is more secure with Jason. Life is easier because I have someone to share problems with. We also get to share fun experiences.”

Jason— “I have the companion I always dreamed of. Before Justina, I had fun but it was missing something, and I always seemed to notice that. Now, I have someone I am experiencing a fun life with, but also having adventures I never would have had before.”

How did you meet? And what was your first impressions of each other?

We met at our old comedy theater in Greenville. Jason was selling tickets to the show and Justina was coming to a show.

Jason— “I was instantly taken by her to a degree I have never fully been able to describe. Well into dating, I met an old friend of hers who told me Justina is an angel, and that is the closest any word has come to describing my first impression of her.”

Justina— “My first impressions were that he was very good looking, nice, and I knew immediately that he was a kind person.”

When you first met, what attracted you most?

Justina— “His kindness, his lightheartedness, his playfulness, and our common love of Conan O'Brien.”

Jason— “Her grace, her spark, her beauty, how funny she is, and her wonder.”

Who said I love you first

Justina, and Jason said it immediately after. We were clearly both gearing up to say it.

What did you do on your first date?

We went to Barley's Taproom and Pizzeria for dinner and then went upstairs and played pool. Sadly the location doesn't exist anymore and we didn't get to nab any of their decorations that they were selling.

Favorite thing you like to do together...

Explore the city (and things in general), go on a walk, meet dogs, do funny bits (we have a phone that's not hooked up that we are doing gags with), go to wine tastings and distilleries. Justina loves to show Jason funny things she saw online.

Number one physical quality

Jason— “Her smile and face in general.”

Justina— “His hair and handsome face and voice (does that count?)

Number one character trait

Jason— “Her humor and caring for others.”

Justina— “Honesty.”

What has been the biggest challenge you've faced as a couple? And how did you overcome that challenge?

Moving to New York because the apartment we had lined up fell through one week before we were set to move. We overcame that by finding a place very quickly and having friends who lived here and could help us scope out the apartment we first moved into. Having friends here before moving up was a great support system and allowed us to settle in. We are constantly reminded of how blessed we are to have the people we have around us.

How has your fiancé changed you?

Justina— “Made me more open to people. I used to be more closed off to people and now I'm more open to new friendships.”

Jason— “I have learned new ways to consider where people were coming from. I was never not considerate, but she's taught me more about other perspectives.”

Where do you see yourselves in 10 years?

We really don't know. We are blessed with so many opportunities. We know we'll be together and accomplishing new feats, learning new things, and experiencing new adventures. All we can say is there better be a dog!

proposal story

We got engaged in Central Park. Jason had been planning it for a few weeks. He took two trips to find the perfect spot, the second one was with one of the bridesmaids, Lisa, who is a photographer to get her opinion. This was all super secret. Jason then suggested we go take a walk in Central Park on her birthday weekend, but the weather report said it might rain. It did rain, but that was perfect because it wasn't raining hard when they got there, there weren't many people, and the pictures came out beautiful. Justina was stunned and time stood still. It felt very surreal. Jason was happy and couldn't believe it was real!