Ashby + Wanda | Greenville, South Carolina Engagement Portraits
Wanda and Ashby have known each other for two years. Wanda is a physical therapist for an orthopedic outpatient clinic, and Ashby works as a business unit manager for Champion Aerospace Inc. in customer relations. Keep reading to find out more of their story and see our favorite picks from their engagement session!
Who said I love you first?
Wanda— “I said it first after several months, it just felt right and he immediately said it after I did .
What did you do on your first date?
We went to brunch at Hall’s downtown.
Favorite thing you like to do together...
We love spending time hiking together with our two dogs, camping, hanging out with friends on the weekends, and eating at a new restaurant.
Favorite physical attribute
Wanda—”I love his eyes.”
Ashby— “I love her smile.”
favorite character trait
Wanda— “I love Ashby’s generosity, and his thoughtfulness towards me as well as his leadership.”
Ashby— “I love her kindness.”
Where do you see yourselves in 10 years?
Living some place warm with lots of hiking options.
Proposal story
Wanda— “Ashby asked me if I would go to his work with him on a Saturday morning for a few hours, and I agreed. The night before he told me we could wake up early and go watch the sunrise to make up for him having to go into work. So we went to Pretty Place to watch the sunrise. After we watched it, he wanted to get a picture in front of the cross, and as we were getting the picture taken he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him, and of course I said yes!