Tyce Miller | Senior Portraits | West Oak High School
We had the best time doing this senior session with Tyce. The one thing he wanted was to use a golf course as one of his locations. It was a little challenging finding the right place, and for a little while we thought the weather was not going to cooperate, but it ended up being perfect! Congratulations Tyce Miller on graduating High School! We wish you the best for your future!
Keep scrolling to read a little more about Tyce and see our favorites from his session!
Finish this sentence, "I could not live without..."
Reese’s peanut butter cups.
What is the most creative excuse you've ever used to get out of homework?
I said a book we were reading was too demonic and I didn’t feel comfortable reading it.
Which school tradition are you most proud of?
Before COVID we had a Veterans Day walk where all students would line up in the main hallway and form a tunnel. The veterans would walk through the hallway with all the students clapping to the cafeteria where they would eat a meal with the child they were related to. This was a really cool way to honor the veterans.
If you could take any three of your friends on a cross-country trip in your family's hatchback: who would you choose and why?
Jordan Eaton, Jeremiah Yoder, Slater Miller. They have all been there for me through high school and helped me get through it. The moments with them have definitely been my favorites.
What is your greatest fear, and have you ever tried to face it?
Spiders are my biggest fear, and I only face them with a vacuum cleaner.
What is one outrageous thing you desperately want to try before you die?
If you play a sport, what life lessons have you learned from playing it?
Golf: you can’t change the past, so dwelling on it is pointless. Learn from your mistakes and use that knowledge in the future.
You've worked so hard to get to this point, what's next for you?
4 more years of education at Clemson.
Describe your senior year in three words
Fun, grind, unforgettable.
Throughout all of your years of school, which teacher has inspired you the most?
Mrs. Strickland
Who has given you the best advice?
My dad.
If you could either LEAVE your home town, or NEVER leave your hometown, which would you choose?
Leave hometown.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Working as an IT technician at a company.