Cody + Bella | South Carolina Field Engagement Portraits
How long have you known each other?
“5 years and 3 months personally, but we knew who each other were in high school.”
Who said I love you first?
What did you do on your first date?
“Rode around all night until the starter on his truck went out and we had to get picked up haha! I guess we can consider that our first date.”
Favorite thing you like to do together...
“We have a beautiful saltwater fish tank. We love looking at and buying new fish and corals for our tank.”
Number one physical quality
Bella— “Cody’s eyes are definitely my favorite.”
Cody— “Her smile.”
Number one character trait
Bella— “Cody’s one of the hardest working men I’ve ever met. He does everything he can to give me the life I want.”
Cody— “The way no matter what happens good or bad, she finds the good in the situation.”
What is the biggest challenge you've faced as a couple?
Bella— “We’ve faced a lot of challenges- family issues, death of loved ones, but the biggest challenge we have faced would have to be my struggles with my mental health especially after the death of 3 loved ones in one year. and another the next. It’s a challenge we face everyday, but Cody does an amazing job of taking care of me and making sure I feel loved and know I belong here.”
How has your fiancé changed you?
Bella— “Cody changed everything- the way I view myself, he’s helped me gain the motivation to do better, and gave me the kind of love I never thought I would have. That changed my confidence.”
Cody— “I don’t think I’ve changed any.” Bella— “he hasn’t:)”
Where do you see yourselves in 10 years?
“Not really sure, doing whatever God’s plan is and following the path he has in place for us, but hopefully we will have a family by then!”
What’s your proposal story?
Bella— “The story actually starts the day before he proposed. I look at red birds and prism’s in the sky as God or my passed loved ones giving me a sign or simply saying, “Hey I’m still watching out for you.” The morning before, I saw a red bird on my way to work, and later we went to Anderson and on the way back there were three prism’s in the sky at one time! I looked at Cody and said, “Well this must mean something good is about to happen.” and he just smiled and said it was cool, not really giving it any attention.
The next day my bestfriend, her fiancé, their daughter and Cody and I hauled our horses to Georgia to practice in a big arena. My bestfriend told me to dress cute so we could take pictures, and I thought nothing of it. About half way through us riding, Cheyne got off her horse and told me there was something wrong with my horse’s boot, so I got off and was looking- and then here comes Cody in a button up, just walking towards us. I was immediately confused. He looked at me and said, “You know how you saw the prism’s and said something good was gonna happen? Well something good is about to.” Then he got down on one knee and asked me if I would marry him. Of course I said yes. I did make sure to ask him if he asked my dad, and he told me he did so I was like okay yes, yes! hahaha! It was perfect and everything I ever wanted in a proposal. He definitely outdid himself.”