Sara + Jonathan | Downtown Engagement Session
Sara has been an ER nurse for 2-1/2 years. Originally she started out at Oconee Memorial Hospital and still works there part time. She also worked at Greenville Memorial and now recently has started travel nursing. Jonathan served in the US Marine Corps for 5 years, and then after getting out, he worked a few different jobs before working in law enforcement. Most recently, he works in land surveying for Oconee County.
The two of them have known each other for 3-1/2 years! Keep reading to find out more of their beautiful love story and see our favorites from their gorgeous downtown summer engagement session!
What was life like before you met compared to now?
Sara— “I met Jon while still in nursing school. So, prior to us meeting life was kinda going through the motions and making it through school/work. I thought I knew what a relationship and love was supposed to look like, but I had no idea until meeting Jon.”
Jon— “I was a bit of a nomad prior to meeting Sara. I felt like I didn’t really know who I was until I met Sara. She makes me feel like a whole person.”
How did you meet? And what was your first impressions of each other?
We met on Bumble!!
Jon— “My first impression was holy moly she is gorgeous!!”
Sara— “My first impression of Jon was that I felt like I had known him my whole life even though I had just met him. I was fully expecting a typical bumble/online dating experience, but we instantly clicked. It felt like we could talk for hours and never miss a beat.”
When you first met, what attracted you most?
Sara— “When we first met, I think the thing that I found most attractive about Jon was his way to make me feel so comfortable and at ease. I am naturally kinda anxious and nervous and he broke all those barriers.
Jon— “Hands down her eyes. I’ve never seen eyes that blue!”
Who said I love you first
What did you do on your first date?
On our first date we went to Wine and Design in Clemson. We still have the paintings we made and even wrote “our first date” with the actual date on the back the night we went out.
Favorite thing you like to do together...
We’re total foodies! One of our favorite things to do is to cook a really nice meal, open a good bottle of wine, and jam out on the porch afterwards just enjoying time together.
Number one physical quality
Sara— “I love his beard and mustache!”
Jon— “LOL! Let’s keep it rated PG!”
Number one character trait
Sar— “I love how kind and sincere Jon is. He always makes me feel like the most special person in the room.”
Jon— “Honesty/loyalty. I love how honest she is with her feelings and how we communicate those feelings. We don’t have to sugar coat or dance around what we’re feeling.”
What has been the biggest challenge you've faced as a couple? And how did you overcome that challenge?
Sara— “Honestly, we faced our biggest challenge most recently. Jon was in an accident while working in law enforcement and it turned our worlds completely upside down. There was a lot of uncertainty and anxiety the past few months that we were faced with. We took it head on, together. I think it really had us lean to each other even closer, further strengthening our relationship.”
How has your fiancé changed you?
Sara— “ I think that Jon is a really emotionally intelligent person and has really made me reflect inside on how to be better in that realm of things. Our communication and how we relay the things we feel with not only each other but with others has changed so much in our time together.”
Jon— “She has given me so much direction. I felt like I was all over the place before I met her. She has grounded me.”
Where do you see yourselves in 10 years?
We don’t really know! We’re going with the flow!
Proposal story
Sara— “I knew it was coming, but just didn’t know when. Jokingly, anywhere we went I would say, ‘Do I need to wear a cute outfit?’ One Sunday, we were supposed to have a family dinner. I was looking real rough and on the couch drinking coffee. I asked Jon (as a joke) ‘Do I need to wear a cute outfit!?’ Jon replied, ‘Why would you ask me that??’ We go to the family dinner and as soon as we get there Jon pulls me aside and gets down on one knee. Saturday in the Park by Chicago was playing in the background.”
Jon— “I was so nervous! Even asking her dad for permission was so nerve racking. I also knew I was going to do it for some time, but her ring took so long to ship from the jeweler. It was kind of like a blur!’